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E-Commerce Solutions
While developing ecommerce solutions, We apply a proven methodology to the design and development of transactional websites which is focused exclusively on removing barriers to sale. As developed and refined over the last many years, our methodology combines design, technology and process to create the optimum environment for buying online. When applied with our user centric approach the methodology enables us to deliver online sales channels that make it easy and attractive for customers to purchase goods or services online. Our e-commerce website solutions deliver tangible and measurable results. This could be as simple as an online product catalogue, or as complex as integrating facets of your operations into a single Enterprise commerce portal.
E-commerce Solutions and E-commerce Packages
Rheinindia ready made packages and modular structure allow us to customize practically every aspect of your e-commerce website at a very reasonable price.

This starting package is for small shop as well as for individuals

This ecommerce package is for true multishop's.
If you want a full-featured professional website.
Established mid- sized large corporations and companies.
It's aimed at shops who want low maintenance web presence.
who want a low maintenance web presence, It's aimed at companies.
Small growing companies and individual organizations.
Companies who want a comprehensive and full content rich site.
Just starting your business online?
Getting online quickly and affordably to manage multi operations.
To establishing a strong professional presence.
Reflecting a company prominent image.
Our Expertise

Our expertise in integrating 3rd party applications for clients for their e-commerce website is stated below:

United States postal service (USPS)
Weight calculation for shipping packages into e-commerce site.
Integration e-secure shop cart.
Pay pal standard gateway, more info
Pay pal pro payment gateway
Os Commerce, Zen Cart
Other technology E-commerce shopping cart
complete list of sites is at   client page
Industry knowledge Experience

"We have a very solid team of developers who know what the current scenarios in the IT industry are and they give solutions on their basis of knowledge and our customers usually agree with us." We have expert industry knowledge in Retail, Real states, Communication, Government Verticals, Manufacturing as well as all other industry related to e-commerce and we know what's next and that's why our solutions are standing out in industry as primary solutions.

Rheinindia.com has the capacity and capability to integrate applications across channel partners, suppliers, and other business partners due to its deep understanding of different protocols and multiple middleware technologies.

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